Kategorie: Allgemein

Kategorie: Allgemein

G1/19: Decision of the Enlarged Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office in favour of broader patent protection of computer-implemented inventions – in particular computer simulations. Decision G1/19 finally became available on 10 March 2021. The Enlarged Board of Appeal of the EPO has ruled that the EPO’s commonly used approach to assessing the … Weiter lesen

G1/19: Entscheidung der Großen Beschwerdekammer des Europäischen Patentamts für einen breiteren Patentschutz computer-implementierter Erfindungen – insbesondere Computersimulationen Die Entscheidung G1/19 liegt seit 10. März 2021 endlich vor. Die Große Beschwerdekammer des EPA hat entschieden, dass der üblicherweise verwendete Ansatz des EPA zur Beurteilung der erfinderischen Tätigkeit von computerimplementierten Erfindungen auch für solche Erfindungen anzuwenden ist, … Weiter lesen

The protection and cultivation of intellectual property (IP) is one of the most important things for new businesses to get right – as Angelica Malin recently explained in Racontuer.  Despite the importance of IP, however, it’s often overlooked – which can be very costly in the long run. IP is a form of property for … Weiter lesen

Companies are encouraged to consider monetizing their patent portfolio during the COVID 19 economic downturn – as Alex Reese, Ashleigh Nickerson, and Sarah Tsou recently outlined in IP Watchdog. Patents can bolster corporate revenue in economic downturns As the authors explain, for years many tech companies utilized large tech patent portfolios to enhance company value … Weiter lesen

Zum Ende eines herausfordernden Jahres möchten wir uns ganz besonders herzlich für die gute Zusammenarbeit und das entgegengebrachte Vertrauen bedanken! Frohe Weihnachten und ein gesundes sowie erfolgreiches Neues Jahr und hoffentlich den baldigen Rückkehr der Normalität wünschen Kutzenberger, Wolff und Partner!

As published on 23 November 2020 by UK IPO (Intellectual Property Office), a UK Government Brexit transition guidance website states that: „The transition period relating to the UK’s exit from the EU ends on the 31 December 2020. During this time, if you file a patent, trade mark or design application you must provide an … Weiter lesen

As Synergy Holdings has detailed: “The biggest opportunities and threats to today’s business leaders come from harnessing and protecting the power of corporate knowledge and the resulting intellectual property (IP).” A case in point In a case in point of how Companies can harness intellectual property (IP) to increase employee productivity – UK-based Leonardo Helicopters … Weiter lesen

The President of the European Patent Office (EPO) recently announced that, as a rule, oral proceedings will be held by videoconference. This decision enters into force on 4 January 2021 and applies to both oral proceedings before examining divisions and before opposition divisions. Oral proceedings before examining and opposition divisions may only be held on … Weiter lesen

Kutzenberger Wolff Partner has been rated by JUVE* as a “RECOMMENDED PATENT FIRM” in the fields of expertise: Mechanics, Process and Mechanical Engineering, Pharma and Biotechnology. I am personally honored to be rated as a “RECOMMENDED INDIVIDUAL” in the field of Mechanics, Process and Mechanical Engineering. Dr. Felix Wolff Patent Attorney JUVE HANDBUCH WIRTSCHAFTSKANZLEIEN 2020/2021

Der America‘s Cup gilt als älteste und zugleich prestigeträchtigste Segelregatta der Welt. Seit 1851 kämpfen vor allem Milliardäre und Business-Mogule um die Sieger-Trophäe und liefern sich dabei spektakuläre Rennen auf eigens zu diesem Zweck entwickelten High-Tech-Yachten. Die Yachten spiegeln nicht nur stets den jüngsten technologischen Entwicklungsstand im Segelsport wider, sondern verschieben regelmäßig die Grenzen des … Weiter lesen